Erykah Badu, Jill Scott y D’Angelo – 03-11-22

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Erykah Badu «Hello» – Melinda Doolittle «Fundamental things» – Vikter Duplaix «Make a baby» – Conya Doss «Sweet as honey» – Ty Causey «Just another love affair» – Lisa Shaw «Grown apart» – Lauryn Hill «Doo wop (that thing)» – Jill Scott «Fool’s gold» – Drizabone «Real love» – Dwele «Find a way» – Rashsaan Patterson «The one for me» – Ledisi «I blame you» – D’Angelo «Back to the future»

Erykah Badu – But You Caint Use My Phone (2016, Clear, Vinyl) - DiscogsWalkin' Blues - song and lyrics by Melinda Doolittle | Spotify

Make a Baby - song and lyrics by Vikter Duplaix | SpotifyConya Doss – Blü Transition (2010, CD) - Discogs

Just Another Love Affair - Ty Causey | ShazamGrown Apart — Lisa Shaw |

Lauryn Hill's "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" - Trip GunnFool's Gold — Jill Scott |

Real Love — Drizabone | Last.fmFind A Way — Dwele |

Key & BPM for The One for Me by Rahsaan Patterson | TunebatI Blame You — Ledisi |

D'Angelo and the Vanguard – Back to the Future, Pt. 1 Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

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