Jackson Browne, Gregg Allman Y BB King & Eric Clapton – 11/05/22

Eric Clapton & BB King ‘Riding with the king’ – Gregg Allman ‘Song for Adam’ – Little Village ‘Big love’ – Jeff Beck ‘People get ready’ – Eric Burdon ‘Tobacco road’ – Patti Smith ‘Revenge’ – Fiona Apple ‘Criminal’ – Janelle Monáe ‘Primetime’ – Nick Heyward ‘Whistle down the wind’ – Jackson Browne ‘Minutes to downtown’ y ‘Downhill from everywhere’

Eric Clapton & BB King - Riding With The King Nuevo CD GB Vendedor Est.2007 | eBay

5612851| Gregg Allman - Southern Blood [LP x 1 Vinilo] Nuevo | eBay

Little Village - Little Village : Little Village, Little Village: Amazon.es: CDs y vinilos}

Jeff Beck - Flash (LP, Album) | eBay

Best of Eric Burdon & War by Eric Burdon & War: Eric Burdon & War: Amazon.es: CDs y vinilos}

Patti Smith Group Wave arista Ab 4221 Disco De Vinilo Lp | eBay

Fiona Apple - Tidal | eBay

Janelle Monáe's Electric Lady Will Feature Solange, Miguel, Prince

Nick Heyward - North Of A Miracle - Vinyl Record.. - e2508e | eBay

JACKSON BROWNE - Downhill From Everywhere (2021) 2 LP | eBay


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