Neil Young, Dolly Parton & Linda Ronstadt y Emmylou Harris – 21/05/22

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Neil Young «Don’t let it bring you down» y «Tell my why» – Rufus Wainwright «The one you love» – Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris «Making plans» y «To know him is to love him» – Pulp «Underwear» – Elastica «Waking up» – The Smiths «Girlfriend in a coma» y «Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before» – Crowded House «It’s only natural» y «Fall at your feet» – Aerosmith «Sweet emotion» – Fleetwood Mac «Hypnotized» – The Rolling Stones «Sweet Virginia» – The Police «Voices inside my head» y «De do do do, de da da da»

After the Gold Rush : Young Neil: Música

Rufus Wainwright - Want Two (2004, Vinyl) | Discogs

Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris - Trio (Vinyl LP) - Amoeba Music

Pulp - Different Class (1995, Vinyl) | Discogs

Elastica : Elastica: Música

The Smiths - Strangeways, Here We Come (1987, Embossed Sleeve, Vinyl) | Discogs

Crowded House - Woodface - Capitol Records - 064-7 93559 1: Crowded House: Música

Aerosmith - Toys In The Attic (1975, Pitman Pressing, Vinyl) | Discogs

Mystery To Me: Fleetwood Mac: Música

Exile On Main Street: The Rolling Stones: Música Zenyatta Mondatta [LP]: Music


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