Categoría: Hard rock

Tim Buckley, ZZ Top, Yardbirds – 29-08-23

Thin Lizzy «Dancing in the moonlight (It’s caught me in its spotlight)» – ZZ Top «She loves my automobile», «I’m bad, i’m nationwide», «Cheap sunglasses» – The Zombies «Time of the season» – Yardbirds «The...

Queens of The Stone Age, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix – 11-08-23

Jimi Hendrix «Little miss lover» y «Spanish Castle Magic» – Freddie King «Going down» – Parliament «Wizard of finance» – Spirit «The other song» – John Lennon «Hold on» – Jeff Beck «Goodbye pork pie hat» – Black Sabbath «Planet caravan» – Wings «Arrow through me» – The Rolling Stones «Country...

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