Loggins & Messina, Robbie Robertson y Rick Danko – 29/09/22

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Steven Wilson «Personal shopper» – Loggins & Messina «Angry eyes» – Robbie Robertson «Somewhere down the crazy river» – Manassas «Like a fox» – Cat Stevens «If you want to sign out, sing out» – Rick Danko «Sip the wine» – Jackson Browne «Before the deluge» – Herb Alpert «Rotation» – Chris Whitley «Kick the stones» – Eagles «Those shoes» – Gordon Lightfoot «The wreck of the edmund Fitzgerald»

THE FUTURE BITES de Steven Wilson en Amazon Music - Amazon.es

Loggins And Messina de Loggins & Messina en Amazon Music - Amazon.es

Amazon.com: Robbie Robertson: CDs y Vinilo

Manassas - Pieces: letras y canciones | Escúchalas en Deezer

yusuf/cat stevens - harold & maude (50th anniversary) - resident

Sip The Wine by Rick Danko on Amazon Music - Amazon.com

Late for the Sky de Jackson Browne en Amazon Music - Amazon.es

Rotation by Herb Alpert on Amazon Music - Amazon.com

Living With The Law by Chris Whitley on Amazon Music - Amazon.com

The Long Run: Eagles: Amazon.es: CDs y vinilos}

Summertime Dream: Gordon Lightfoot: Amazon.es: CDs y vinilos}

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