Rory Gallagher, Stray Cats, Stevie Ray Vaughan – 18-11-24


Russ Ballard – Rory Gallagher – Toto – The Strugglers – The Blues Against Youth – Sammy Hagar – Rebecca Downes – Kenny Wayne Shepherd – Stray Cats – Mavis Staples – Yung Druid 

Russ Ballard «Helpless» y «Voices» 
Rory Gallagher «Don’t start me talkin» & «A million miles away»
Toto «Human Nature» 
The Strugglers «The cascade range»
The Blues Against Youth «Far out of hand»
Sammy Hagar «Trust fund baby»
Rebecca Downes «Take me higher»

Kenny Wayne Shepherd «Mr. Soul»

Stray Cats «Cry danger»
Mavis Staple «Brothers and sister»
Young Druid «Morning come»

**Concierto de Toto:Concierto de Toto**

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